Alberto Embedded & Open experience

Notes on my experience on Open Source Embedded Systems

Archive for the ‘linux’ Category

Tweet from the linux shell on Ubuntu Karmic

with 4 comments

Twitter is something like a panel where you write all what you want in as short message style.

What makes Tweeter powerful (for me and for  IT developer) is the fact that nowadays IT companies look for job candidates also in these Social Networks. This is a way to find out the best candidates for a vacancy looking for already skilled people in what the vacancy involve.

Well, I am a kernel developer, so what is better than the ability to tweet my messages from bash???

This tutorial is for whom that want to do this also after the Tweeter strength of its authentication policy (now plain authentication is forbidden) with the OAuth mechanism.

The utility that can do this is called bti version 028 and upper, made by one of the most important member of the Linux development community: Greg Kroah Hartman.

Getting the source

So move into your preferred source directory, I will call it $BUILD and clone these repositories (it is needed a working installation of git and svn ):

$ cd $BUILD
$ git clone git://
$ svn co

all other packages needed can be found with apt-get (or whatever other debian package management you like).

Compiling the source

First we have to compile liboauth (it is needed a working installation of automake and autoconf):

$ cd $BUILD/liboauth
$ mkdir m4
$ aclocal
$ automake --add-missing
$ autoreconf
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

The library will be installed to /usr/local/lib, if you want another destination dir, change the –prefix as you want in configure time.

Now bti:

$ cd $BUILD/bti
$ ./
$ # Because of liboauth did not wrote the package configuration info:
$ ./configure LIBOAUTH_LIBS=/usr/local/lib/liboauth.a LIBOAUTH_CFLAGS="-g -O2"
$ make
$ sudo make install

In the configuration process you may be prompted to install other packages. You can find them with apt-get.

Make it work

Now you have the command bti available on your shell and you have to complete the OAuth authorization process to be able to post on your twitter account.

First create your configuration file as:

# comments are allowed in the bti config file
# rename this to ~/.bti so that you do not need
# to constantly enter your account name and/or
# password on the command line every time you send
# a message.
account="your account"
password="your password"
# Example of a custom laconica installation
#user="your proxy user"
#proxy="http://your proxy address:port"

and put it in ~/.bti.

Consumer key and secret

Now the “cloudy” part for me. Because consumer key and secret should be application specific as I understood so these keys  should be part of the bti application (correct me otherwise).

@update from Amir: Read this post to understand why those informations are not part of the bti sources,-OAuth-and-bti.html.

Anyway you can register a new application to have access at your twitter following this link: Please give the correct info on bti website as linked from this post but choose a different application name because bti is already choosen.

The application type is client without callback, must to have write permission and do not use twitter for the authentication.

Twitter will give you the two keys you need and You will put these at the and of your .bti config file as:


Then try your first run:

$ bti

You will be prompted to browse a specific link and past back the pin you see. Then you will be asked to add other two rows in your configuration file and  when you have done it, well all the process is completed! with the command:

$ echo "tweet what you want" | bti

You will be able to tweet all you want from the shell!


Maybe for someone lazy it is too much complicated the form with echo.

So I suggest to add the following lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc:

# $ tweet "your message"
function tweet {
 if [ ! "$*" ]; then
   echo 'Nothing to tweet!'
   return 1
 echo "$*" | bti

The comment on top explain how to use this function from the bash shell.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and please, any corrections or suggestions are welcome!


Written by Alberto!

04/09/2010 at 10:26 am

Posted in linux

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Android subsystem is gonna die

with 3 comments

As you can see on linux webgit log the Android subsystem resident on mainline kernel developing tree is gonna die:

Staging: android: mark subsystem as broken

It’s causing lots of build errors, so just mark it as broken.  It is
scheduled to be removed in 2.6.33 anyway.

Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>

A BROKEN subsystem is a piece of kernel code that the build system do not visit in the build process.

The true problem is that Google has stopped to support mainline code leaving it at an embryonic state: no Coding Style corrections and no update on new kernel API changes.

Another important thing is that the android subsystem that live now in mainline kernel is incomplete: many parts of Google layer were not merged with mainline linux, producing an eternal incomplete subsystem.

What the mess with this? Why the mainline part of Android is important? There is always the android branch hosted by Google no?

Yes is true, but what about the next device porting? what about quality on device porting? A mainline architecture support code is controlled and accepted by a number of Community Developers that know better than a lot of people how this things must be done, and sure, also the better developer make mistakes!

Developing a new hardware platform in the Google android branch make this job harder and full of traps.

The aim of my job now is to recover this situation, taking the present mainline android subsystem on the right way in terms of quality and readability and then completing it with the missing things!

So, good Job Alberto!

Written by Alberto!

23/11/2009 at 6:11 pm